Author Archives: CUPFAOnline

CUPFA hosts MicroTalks – Six minute talks by part-time faculty

CUPFA is launching the first in a series of three MicroTalk evenings to celebrate Campus Equity Week. Please make sure you attend and pass the word on to your students. These interdisciplinary events highlight part-time faculty members from all Faculties …


After 21 years of unwavering commitment to CUPFA Maria Peluso is stepping down as President. Please join us in honouring Maria and to raise a glass in recognition of her many years of dedication to the Association and her steadfast support …


September 20, 2013 The current Quebec government has launched their intentions to pass a Charter on Quebec Values. Predictably, this manoeuvre has not only generated a disheartening public debate, it has also been the source of negative international press for the …

Annual Concordia Shuffle, Friday September 27, 2013

This coming Friday, September 27th  is the annual Concordia Shuffle.  Many of you will already be well aware of the event, but for those who are not, it is an opportunity for participants from the University community to give their …