Author Archives: CUPFAOnline

CUPFA votes for an “unlimited strike mandate” at its Special AGM on November 4th

The Association’s membership voted by secret ballot for an unlimited strike mandate at the Special General Assembly of November 4, 2012. Fully 95% of the membership supported the mandate. What does this mean exactly? First, this does not mean we …

Two Upcoming Events Featuring CUPFA Members

Feeling the mid-term need to add a little culture to your diet? Check out these upcoming events in the month of November: Concordia Jazz Studies Faculty Ensembles: Charles Ellison, Michael Pinsonneault, Gary Schwartz, Robin Chemtov, Fraser Hollins, Nasyr Abdul Al-Khabyyr …


SPECIAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY NOVEMBER 4TH AT 2PM  (NOUVEL HOTEL) The Concordia University Part-time Faculty Association began this round of negotiations with mixed feelings. On the one hand we were hopeful that our employer would negotiate in a manner that would …

Update #2 – Copy Right and Academic Freedoms

Members should have an understanding about the copyright of the academic materials they develop and their academic freedoms. The following provides information that you should bear in mind about material and lectures you provide. Course Syllabi and Course Outlines The …