Author Archives: CUPFAOnline

#4 Update, April 1, 2012 — Hard Pickets, Soft Pickets, and Hard Lines

The Association thanks its members for the valuable feedback and suggestions they made at our Annual General Meeting this past Thursday, March 29.  Our strength as an organisation is founded upon your support and commitment. There were many issues to …

“Les Profs contre la Hausse”

We have been asked by Concordia students and faculty to invite members to attend a mobilisation of Concordia PT and FT faculty opposed to the privatisation of education. The event will take place this Thursday, March 29th at 9:30 a.m. in front of the …

Take a number and wait

The following article was published in The Link this week. It gives a comprehensive view of the current state of labour relations at Concordia.  As CUPFA approaches its own contract renewal, we can expect to receive the same treatment from our …

# 3 UPDATE March 25, 2012 – From Peaceful Protest to the Politics of Confrontation

On March 22nd, Concordia Students joined tens of thousands of their counterparts from across the province to voice their objection to the Charest government’s policy on tuition. The march was well-organised, well-attended and peaceful. The University administration’s response to this, …