Inter-Union Day of Action in Support of AMPL and CUPEU

Inter-Union Day of Action in Support of AMPL and CUPEU

AMPL Rally

On September 11, CUPFA’s External Relations Chair Nick Papatheodorakos joined fellow members of CAUT (Canadian Association of University Teachers) and CAUT President Peter McInnis to support the strike action by the Association of McGill Professors of Law (AMPL).

This inter-union day of action included AMPL, CUPFA, and other Concordia unions—CUPEU (Professional Employees), CUFA (Full-Time Faculty)—along with CSN (Confédération des syndicats nationaux).

The five associations rallied outside the office of McGill’s President, with guest speakers from across the country, before marching to Concordia in unified support of CUPEU’s picket lines. Our CUPFA President Robert Soroka facilitated the event alongside the AMPL and CUPEU Presidents, in coordination with CAUT and CSN advisors.