Part-Time Hiring Committee

2024 PTHC resources:

  • 2024 PTHC Training Slides (PDF, 7.0MB)  PTHC members are appointed to two-year terms by CUPFA’s Vice President and President and must participate in mandatory training every year before the main hiring period in May.
  • PTHC Training – FAQ – Questions and Answers from CUPFA’s Assistant to the VP Collective Agreement and Grievance listed by category: Postings, Pre-meeting, Meeting, Post-meeting, Other.
  • Sample Application Cover Letter – applicants have been advised to include a cover letter comparing specific job requirements to their own qualifications, experience, etc.
  • May/June Departmental PTHC Schedule – a schedule of departmental PTHC meetings is published on the website to help department hiring committees monitor the workload status of multi-department applicants. * ASAP* send your department’s meeting date and time to so it can be added to the schedule.
  • PTHC Report to CUPFA – log in to add a report (+)  to enter the meeting details and your comments. For a password or help with the reporting system contact
  • 2024 Training Video