PD Resources

CUPFA’s Professional Development opportunities are described in several subsections including presentation slides from PD webinars designed to welcome members and offer ongoing support with professional projects.  

Please review and contact chair Eleni Panagiotarakou for further information.

Concordia’s UNITY Support Centre offers individual appointments for online help with Expense Reports.

CUPFA’s Professional Development Fund supports the professional and academic development of part-time faculty members by providing funding for their research or creative endeavours in accordance with Article 17 of the Collective Agreement, and by promoting members’ accomplishments throughout the University. 

The Professional Development Committee is a joint employer/union committee chaired by CUPFA’s Chair of Research and Professional Development and may include a CUPFA-appointed PD assistant. The Committee assesses all member submissions in order to distribute Professional Development funds as per the Collective Agreement and oversees the administration of Small Claims. 

TWO MAIN CATEGORIES of Professional Development funding are available: see links for more information.

PD Large Grants can provide research and creative development funds to CUPFA members with a minimum of 18 seniority credits (e.g. travel expenses, conference fees, hotel costs when members present papers at conferences; costs involved in the production or exhibition of artworks; etc). Click for examples of ePD Projects.

PD Small Claims can reimburse CUPFA members with a minimum of 12 seniority credits for expenses directly related to teaching (software, internet fees, computer supplies, etc).

To find your official seniority, go to FRIS and select “Part Time Professors and Applicants”. Scroll down to the links under “Relevant Documentation” to “CUPFA Seniority List” and other useful links to current course postings and instructions regarding applications, contract signing and pdf merging.

Other resources are available to assist with professional development:

Create your Faculty Profile (slides: PDF, 2MB): Help establish your visibility in teaching, research, and other professional activities.

Faculty Profile Assistance: Contact your faculty’s Communications Agent to guide you in creating or updating your faculty profile, for other communications support, and to request a studio portrait starting in early October:

Spectrum : is an open-access research repository for research created at Concordia.

See Office of Research internal funding opportunities.